Register for NPQ
Registering for your NPQ is simple
Leadership matters
Make a real impact in your school with our NPQ programmes
National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) are the most widely-recognised qualifications in the education sector for current and aspiring leaders, and are accredited by the DfE. They provide professional development to those wishing to develop their expertise in a specialist area, such as teaching and learning or behaviour management, to those leading schools across a trust.
Xavier Teaching School Hub will be partnering with STSN and TeachFirst to deliver the reformed National Professional Qualifications. This partnership brings together the best local knowledge and context with the national experience and programmes of Teach First.
For more information regarding the application for a NPQ qualification, please see the DfE document below:
Apply for a national professional qualification (NPQ) - GOV.UK (
Funding information for the NPQ programme can be found here:
(12 month programme)
NPQ in Leading Teaching (NPQLT)
NPQ in Leading Behaviour and Culture (NPQLBC)
NPQ in Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD)
NPQ in Leading Literacy (NPQLL)
NPQ IN Leading Primary Maths (NPQLPM)
(18 month programme)
NPQ in Senior Leadership (NPQSL)
NPQ in Headship (NPQH)
NPQ in Executive Leadership (NPQEL)
NPQ in Early Years Leadership (NPQEYL)
You can find more information on the courses in our STSN NPQ Programmes
Please see the NPQ case study below: