Week 24
Dear ECTs, mentors and induction tutors,
Please find attached the Year 1 Week 24 bulletin (for the week commencing Monday 20th March).
The focus for this week is giving effective verbal feedback.
Induction tutors
There are a few changes regarding the writing of progress reviews for induction tutors. We have attached guidance to assist with this and there is an important induction tutor meeting on Monday 20th March at 3.45pm (details and log ins included in the bulletin).
We have been pleased to welcome our Year 1 mentors to mentor training this week. Thank you for your feedback, it has been extremely positive! Details of our last online mentor training on Monday 20th March at 4pm can be found in the bulletin. For those unable to attend we are required by Teach First and the DfE to send a recording to engage with and complete a follow up questionnaire.
Members area on the website
All of the documentation in support of the ECF programme can be found on our password protected secure members area on the Xavier TSH website. This allows you to access all bulletins, proformas, videos and handbooks to support you in your role and avoid unnecessary communication and workload for yourselves.
Website link log in: xavierecf@xavier.org.uk password: Xaviertsh (case sensitive)
Virtual drop-in clinics
We continue to offer weekly virtual drop-in clinics, open to ECTs, mentors and induction leads. Our next drop-in clinic will be Thursday 23rd March at 3.30-4pm.
Meeting id: 823 9696 5842
Password: 208086
Best regards
The ECF Team