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Xavier Teaching School Hub

Dear Year 1 ECTs, mentors and induction tutors,


How quickly this year has gone!  We hope that it has been a positive one for you - we are certainly enjoying reading the many end-of-year assessments and progress reviews that are coming through on ECT Manager.  Whatever plans you have for the summer, may we take this opportunity to wish you a very well-deserved, safe and happy few weeks, and we look forward to working with you all again in September. 

As promised last week, please find attached your final bulletin of the year, which outlines what 2023-24 will look like for you in terms of the ECF induction programme. We hope that it answers any questions you may have. Also attached are the 2023-24 seminar locations, dates and times.

The Year 2 programme does not officially start until the third week of term (ie week commencing 18th September 2023). This gives you two weeks at the start of term to settle back into school and to complete the ECT or mentor induction training, as relevant. Please see the attached bulletin for full details. You will receive your next bulletin from us on Thursday 7th September, ie Week 2 of the academic year. 

Before leaving school for the summer break, please do ensure that all ECT assessments and/or progress reviews are fully completed and signed.  Many thanks.

Our very best wishes to you for a great summer,

The Xavier ECF central team