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Xavier Teaching School Hub

Year 1 Welcome bulletin 2023

Year 1 Welcome bulletin 2023

Dear ECTs, mentors and induction tutors,

We hope that this finds you well and that you have enjoyed a well-deserved break over the summer.

We are delighted to welcome you onto the Early Career Framework (ECF) programme, offered by the Xavier Teaching School Hub in partnership with Teach First, and look forward to working with you over the next two years.

Please find attached the Year 1 ECF Welcome Bulletin, which links to all the documents you need to make a smooth start to your year. The bulletin contains details of the following:

  • How to gain access to the secure ECF Member Area of the Xavier Teaching School Hub website, which holds all the relevant documentation for the programme
  • The template to be used by ECTS/mentors in their first mentor meeting of the year (this week or next)
  • Relevant handbooks for ECTs, mentors or induction tutors
  • The dates for all of the face-to-face ECT seminars for the year. ECTs, you will need to find the delivery partner your school selected for you. (Induction tutors will have this information if you are unsure).
  • Links to the initial mentor training being held this week on either Wednesday 6th September OR Thursday 7th September 3.45-4.45 pm  (mentors should attend one of the two sessions)





Meeting ID 


Wed 6th Sep 2023 OR

Thu 7th Sep 2023

3.45-4.45 pm

854 1576 4774



  Induction tutors, not all ECTs and mentors have been registered yet by their schools, or have only been partially registered. In addition, some schools have registered their ECTs using the ECTs’ personal, rather than professional, email addresses.  We would therefore be extremely grateful if you could please check with all of your Year 1 ECTs and their mentors that they have received this email, together with the relevant attachments.  This will help to ensure that we have all the correct information to enable us to communicate effectively with all programme members throughout the year.  Many thanks.  If anyone has not received this email because their contact information is incorrect, please do let Kate du Toit know - . Any questions regarding your role as an induction tutor should go to Sophie Hunter at

Each week we will send you all you need to know in the form of a weekly bulletin. We aim to limit all communication to this one email. You will next hear from us by the end of Thursday 14th September with the first of our weekly bulletins.  In the meantime, if you have any questions please do get in contact with us on

We are sure you understand that as the year progresses, some of the information/dates in this email may change (due to strikes etc). We try to avoid this as much as possible but will update you of any changes with as much notice as possible and through our weekly bulletins.

We hope you have a wonderful start to the term and that the above information provides all you need to make a smooth start to the programme.

Best wishes,

The ECF Team