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Year 2 Welcome bulletin 2023

Year 2 Welcome bulletin 2023

Dear ECTs, mentors and induction tutors,

We hope that this finds you well and that you have enjoyed a well-deserved break over the summer. We thought we would give you the first few days to settle in before sending our Welcome Bulletin to you. We hope that you have had a great start to the academic year.

We are delighted to welcome you to Year 2 of the Early Career Framework (ECF) programme and have pleasure in attaching the Year 2 Welcome Bulletin. Almost all of the information within it was included in the transition bulletin which we sent out in July. However, some of you have just transferred into Year 2 from other providers, so we thought it would be helpful to resend the information.

At the start of each academic year, there are often a number of staffing changes, which we are currently working through. When you receive this email, could you please ensure that it is also forwarded to both your current mentor and induction tutor, as we are only sending out this information to the Year 2 ECTs. Many thanks for your cooperation. 

Mentors, please make a special note of the rescheduled mentor seminar 1 which will now be taking place on Tuesday 19th September 2023 (4pm - 5pm) and Thursday 21st September 2023 (4pm - 5pm), full details of which are in the attached bulletin. Mentors are required to attend only one of the two (identical) seminars - please choose whichever date is most convenient for you.

If you are a fully-trained mentor (ie have completed two years of ECF mentor training), it is not a requirement for you to attend any training seminars this year, though you are most welcome to do so. 

Login details for mentor seminar 1 are below:





Meeting ID 

Tues 19th Sep 2023 



Thurs 21st Sep 2023

4 pm - 5 pm

854 1576 4774


Induction tutors, as you know, there is no need to re-register any ECTs or mentors who are staying with you from Year 1. However, you will have to register any ECTs who have transferred into your school for Year 2 and notify both the DfE and Xavier of any changes to mentors. Please see the attached bulletin for full details. If you are a new induction tutor and need help with anything, please do contact either Alison Maingard ( or Sophie Hunter (, who will be pleased to support you. 

Each week we will send you all you need to know in the form of a weekly bulletin. We aim to limit all communication to this one email. You will next hear from us by the end of Thursday 14th September with the first of our weekly bulletins.  In the meantime, if you have any questions please do get in contact with us on

We are sure you understand that as the year progresses, some of the information/dates in this email may change (due to strikes etc). We will try to avoid this as much as possible but will update you of any changes with as much notice as possible and through our weekly bulletins.

We hope you have a wonderful start to the term and that the above and attached information provides all you need to make a smooth start to the programme.

Kind regards,

The ECF Team